Provide management with real time statistical and visual information on road repair works; enabling easy return of investment calculations, board level reporting and reduced insurance claim administration.



Calculating the return on investment when you purchase or hire a Roadmaster® Spray Injection Patcher is easy. We have developed Centaur, our unique data capture software system to share the most relevant information with our customers. This system enables real time data transfer, at a level that has not previously been available in the road maintenance market. It allows you to see at a glance statical data in real time; for example, work completed, potholes repaired, time on site, aggregate and bitumen used.

Centaur is an invaluable management tool for Local Authority Engineers and TMC’s, providing real time data live from the work site, and helping in the collation of data for board level reporting. The provision of photographs and safety information ensures our customers are in compliance with industry best practice and it reduces the administration burden of bogus insurance claims.



Capture the time spent on repairs throughout the day.


Capture the location of potholes repaired as well as worksite start & end locations.


Record worksite environmental conditions such as humidity & temperature.


Record on-site material quality test results.


Ensure that all H&S procedures are adhered to.


Capture before and after photos of each repair as well as photos of worksite signs.


Record the quantity of material laid on a worksite and throughout the working day.


Record downtime due to weather or mechanical breakdown.



The Roadmaster® Operator records their daily activity on a simple to use hand-held device. The operator is prompted to answer a series of questions depending on the stage of their workday. For example, they record their shift start time and materials affinity test in the morning before commencing work on a worksite. The application ensures that they’ve correctly completed their on-site risk assessment and that they have captured the location and a before photo of the repair.

This workflow ensures that the operator completes all the steps necessary to adhere to Spray Injection Patching best practice. At the end of the day, the operator submits their worksheet to our cloud-based service whereupon it’s immediately available to the engineer for review.


There is huge value in the Centaur reporting system. Knowing how the Roadmaster® SIP unit is being utilised, the engineer can track performance, identify trends and spot issues before they become problems. These reports come in many formats. With the most basic reporting, the engineer receives a PDF file documenting all work completed for the day including photos and locations of repairs, completed risk assessments, quantity of materials used, etc.
We are constantly working with our software development team and we use the latest in data analytic tools. We can develop custom-built reports and dash boards that give real insight into your Spray Injection Patching operations, if there is a report you need, talk to us, we will work in partnership with you to develop one.


cntaur Reporting gives our customers the data they need, in real time. This maximizes the benefits of the Roadmaster® Road Maintenance System on the road and on the books.

  • How many repairs have we completed this week?
  • How long is the average working day?
  • How many worksites have we completed?
  • Which SIP unit is performing the best?
  • What’s the average output per day?
  • How have environmental parameters such as humidity and temperature impacted the repair?

Centaur provides the answers to the right questions immediately so that our customers can maximize the impact of the road repair system on potholes, surface works and other road defects and communicate this in statistical and visual data with confidence.


Integration reduces manpower costs and human error in data collation.
Many councils and local authorities use asset management systems such as Confirm to manage and maintain their critical infrastructure. Using customize back-end data connectors, Centaur can integrate with these back-end systems to provide a fully integrated solution. This seamless integration frees up valuable manpower to use in other vital areas of the organization. It also removes the possibility of human error on reporting.